SFPE-SEPS I have several bites or buttons that look like -from a sensation point- to mosquito bites, but smaller with a burning sensation and strongly itching. I have no pets and don’t think it is flea bites. My husband has no symptoms.  A medical show on tv talked about a possible Covid symptom. What do you think?  Do you think that a product such as “Cremicort” can be applied with no secondary complication?

I have several bites or buttons that look like -from a sensation point- to mosquito bites, but smaller with a burning sensation and strongly itching. I have no pets and don’t think it is flea bites. My husband has no symptoms.  A medical show on tv talked about a possible Covid symptom. What do you think?  Do you think that a product such as “Cremicort” can be applied with no secondary complication?

Indeed, it seems that cutaneous manifestations linked to Covid19 infections can be observed

– non-specific condition with redness and slight swellling and prurit (itching)

– frostbite type at the extremities of the fingers

These signs seem to always appear after other Covid19 infection symptoms: fever, cough, shortness of breath, loss of taste and smell.

If you have no such symptoms, those bites are not linked to a Covid19 infection.

Talking about « Cremicort », I am unfortunately not able to advise you further as I am not a dermatologist.

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