Health insurance

Reimbursement of health care charges and insurance policies to supplement JSIS

There are four sources from which officials and other agents of the European Institutions may obtain partial or total reimbursement of their health care charges. These are:

– The Joint Sickness Insurance Scheme –JSIS (Staff Regulations)
– Accident insurance (Staff Regulations or to be subscribed)
– Schemes supplementary to the JSIS (to be subscribed)
– Assistance schemes for coverage whilst abroad (to be subscribed)

The JSIS enshrined in Staff Regulations for officials and other agents of the Institutions provides for a reimbursement statistically of about 80% (in case of severe illness). The JSIS has established ceilings for a good many treatments.

For occupational accidents and those occurring in private life, reimbursement of medical care costs is reduced from 100% to about 80% when retiring.
Supplementary insurance, which may be individual or collective, are offered by well-known insurance companies and are perfectly complementary to JSIS. Annual premiums vary greatly according to the coverage but, for supplementary hospitalisation policies, the annual premium is generally between €70 and €300, depending on age.