SFPE-SEPS Non classé For the attention of SEPS-SFPE members residing in Italy.

For the attention of SEPS-SFPE members residing in Italy.

Dear Members,

As you will have read in the information bulletin of our association, in Italy an “antenna” of SEPS-SFPE was born: SEPS-Italy.
This antenna is managed in Ispra by colleagues belonging to the coordination group elected during the constitutive meeting of 6 June 2021.
This antenna is now able to provide assistance to members residing in Italy.

It is therefore logical to inform you that you have the choice to explicitly be part of this antenna. In this case, the 2022 contribution paid to SEPS-Brussels will be transferred to SEPS-Italy.

Best regards

Serge Crutzen

Members of the committee SEPS-Italia :

  • Chairman : Gianfranco Selvagio
  • Deputy chairman : Georg Peter
  • Treasurer: Yves Crutzen
  • Secretary: Salvatore Tirendi
  • Stefan Nonneman takes care of the coordination between SEPS Italia and SFPE Brussels.


CCR Ispra,
IT-21020 Ispra
Phone: +39 351 6471722
From Monday to Friday : 11.00/14.00
Help Desk at Club House, Sala Rosa
on appointment only
Tuesday 12.00–13.00 / Thursday 14.00-15.00
Email: seps.italia@gmail.com

Annual fee : 30 €
SEPS/SFPE ING bank account:
IBAN BE37 3630 5079 7728

Motivation: SEPS-Italia

Please, send also a copy of the bank transfer to  seps.italia@gmail.com

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